Saturday, 18 June 2016

Ladies:When a guy you turn down goes for your friend.

Ladies I need your honest and unbiased opinion regarding these three case scenario and i really want you to be very down to earth concerning these.

1.If you have a guy you desire but this guy approached your friend for an affair but she turned him down and he latter approaches you..would you give him a chance?

2.A guy you have a strong desire for has a friend who approached you for an affair and you declined then the main guy latter approaches you for an affair,would you give him a chance after you have turned down his friend?

3.If you see a guy you really desire but this guy approached your blood sister for an affair but she turned him down and he latter approaches you..would you give him a chance?

The reason I'm asking this question is because I'm totally at sea with the way many ladies reason.

A guy approached you and you turn him down then he woos your friend and you call him a womanizer...

Abeg if I price market for your hand and you no gree, and I buy the market for another place please wettin be my offence?

Please be factual about this.

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