Friday, 24 June 2016


Affiliate marketing is the best thing to happen to
the computer age since the internet was
created. There are many programs and
businesses that open their doors to partnerships
where virtually anyone interested in advertising
their products/services in return for a percentage
commission can join. Examples are
: Amazon affiliate program (they accept
Nigerians now), Konga affiliate program, Jumia
affiliate program and Kaymu affiliate program.

The last three are all Nigerian-based companies.
It is quite unfortunate that the Unemployment
rate today, is so high. Don’t beat yourself up.
Millions of people around the world make their
living solely on the internet (legitimately); and
affiliate marketing is one of the main ways they
do this.

Konga, in addition to some of the aforementioned programs have silently been making millionaires out of Nigerians. Examples are Linda Ikeji, Paschal Okafor and a host of others. Just put in the effort and start earning today.




You just need the desire and passion
to join. You are not compelled to have a blog/
website (although it helps gain more traffic to
your links).


· Social Media Networks: Your Facebook
account, Twitter account, LinkedIn account,
Google+ account, WhatsApp account, BBM and
Youtube Channels can be used for more than just
social interactions. With the right steps, you can
turn your fans, friends and followers into loyal
customers. In the social media mentioned above,
go join Groups and Communities that relate to
the main products you want to sell.

Initially, become friends with the group members;
post interesting stuff to the group, like and
comment on other group member posts and gain
trust. Then, start advertising your Konga
products. Additionally or alternatively, you could
create your own Fan Page or Group with titles
relating to what you want to sell. Then, invite
people to join the group or page. Post product
reviews or advice on your page regularly.

Accompany your posts with captivating pictures
and your Konga product links.

· Paid Advertising: You can promote Konga
products through paid traffic (e.g, search
engines). There are many avenues for paid
advertising. You could pay Google (using their
Google Adwords program) to advertise your
Konga product links for you through their search
engines (Google search and Youtube). Or, you
could pay Facebook to advertise your Konga
product links and banners.

All those adverts you
see on Facebook and Youtube, are there because
people like you and me paid $5, $10, $15, $20,
$25, …, according to the budget they can afford.
The longer the number of days or weeks you
want your ads to show and be visible on those
sites, the more your budget has to be.

If you do
your planning well, the return on investment
could be mind-blowing – Even Konga
recommends paid ads method because, data
they collect show that majority of their affiliates,
make their sales through paid ads. The first
Konga commission(s) I earned was through paid
ad. I made N 5,765.00 from a single campaign.

· Blog or Website:

If you own a blog/website,
or at least know someone who does, Write
articles about Konga products and paste your
links either as text links or Image/banner links.
To add Konga banner codes to your blogger

Sign in to your Blogger dashboard
Visit the Layout Tab
Click 'Add A Widget (or Gadget)'
Choose 'Html or Javascript Gadget'
Paste your Konga Affiliate banner or text code
into the gadget and save
Drag the Widget to your desired location on your

· Email:

Email is the most powerful tool in
Online Marketing today. The bigger the number
of email contacts you have, the more the
potential to sell. The key to email marketing is
not to annoy your customers with poorly written


There are many links that are tied to your Konga
Username that you could use to advertise, sell
and earn commissions.
First is the General link : This is the main
affiliate link that will take buyers to
(konga’s main website front page), where they
can search for, and order/buy any product they
want. You earn a percentage commission
depending on the category of product the person
you sent to Konga buys from.

Text Links:
These are links to individual Konga
products. You only have to go to Konga, search
for the product your want to advertise, copy the
URL of the product’s page, then paste it in your
Affiliate Link generation tab.

Banner Links : These are affiliate links that
appear in Image form on our blogs and websites.
To make these image ads show, we first have to
copy the html code and paste it in our 'Add a
Widget' dialog in our blog Layout Tab.

You earn a 9% commission on Fashion products.
You earn a 3% commission on Electronic
I'll list all other products and their commissions in
later updates...


Konga affiliate program is powered by Konga
Affiliate Pro Software/website. Konga Affiliate
Pro uses a combination of Cookies and IP
address to track referrals for reliability sake.
When the visitor follows your affiliate link to
Konga’s site, their affiliate system registers this
referral and places cookie on his/her computer.
When the visitor pays for the product.

This process is automated and all your referrals
will be properly documented and tracked. This is
an affiliate module used by thousands of internet
merchants and affiliates all over the world! So, if
you are in the habit of disabling your Cookies
and Cloaking your IP address, better end it now
before applying.


Payment is only made upon confirmed purchase
and delivery of item(s) by visitor(s) that you
referred via any of your affiliate links.
Payout date is on the second Friday of the next
month. Payment is made through Bank/Wire
Transfer. So, make sure to submit your correct
bank details while applying for this program.

Konga’s Payout threshold is in: N10000, N15000,
N25000, and N30000. It’s advisable to choose
the N10000 Payout threshold for a start so you
won’t miss out on any payment. Check this out,
if you chose the 15k threshold for instance, and
you have 13k in your account dashboard, you’ll
miss that month’s payment until your earnings
reach the 15k threshold. Well, let me not impose.
Choose the threshold that best suite your plans
and saving culture.


Everyone is eligible to apply and it is completely
FREE! After you apply and you’re approved,
Konga will send you your Password and other
info to your email. You may decide to change
the password to one you can easily remember.
N.B: If you want to select Social media as your
advertising channel, make sure you use an
account that has been active for years. For
example, don’t use a Facebook account that you
just recently created. You might not get

As a Konga affiliate, you will have your own
Control Panel; where you can see detailed
statistics of traffic and sales you referred, news
and training materials, choice of banner and text
links etc. Your Konga affiliates Control Panel
also has tips and tutorials on how to advertise
their products and links for optimal results.

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